American farm communities, California and Florida in particular, are some of the most difficult areas to practice commercial agriculture anywhere in the world.
Priuspesticide sprayinglettucecompliance testing

This is not from adverse natural factors such as extreme weather or crop pests, but rather from an intense and aggressive regulatory climate that agribusiness must deal with on daily basis. Throughout these regions, the use of agricultural chemicals, field labor, and a multitude of other essential farm inputs are continually scrutinized by county, state and federal governments.

Companies must interact constantly with government inspectors whose job it is to assure compliance with laws that are numerous, often confusing, and many times open to the interpretation of the individual field inspector. In addition, disputes with these regulators must be resolved through an arbitrary system of intra-agency hearings and appeals that frequently lack impartiality and due process.

AGFORENSICS has experience with many of these issues and can help in compliance matters through our network of experts and businesses with similar challenges. Compliance with laws relating to the use and storage of agricultural chemicals, control of field effluents and water conservation mandates, as well as domestic and import tolerances for residues pesticides and fertilizers, are the focus of our professional staff.  

Usually in just a few minutes, we can give you a realistic perspective on your issue and render sound business-to-business advice on how to comply with the law and what resources are available to you in the event of non-compliance actions by the government.





pesticide applicationfeild workers in lettuce feildsKeep out Organic signcrop feilds


88 Monterey Highway, Salinas, CA 93908

1840 Biddle Ranch Road,San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

13138 Lewis Gallagher Road, Dover, FL 33527

Phone: (805) 594-1800 / Email:

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